P-H-M’s Breakfast with Santa a Success

Breakfast with Santa has been a big hit for over 30 years at P-H-M and this year was no exception!

On Saturday, December 2, 300 people had the chance to spend some time with Santa at Bittersweet Elementary School. The attendees were treated to a program that included a laser show titled “Laser Holidays” at the DVT, breakfast in the cafeteria and then a personal visit with Santa. Please see a photo gallery below.

See you next year!

Dr. Thacker named Indiana’s Outstanding Educator of the Year

P-H-M Superintendent Dr. Jerry Thacker was recognized last night (Thursday, Nov. 30) as Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents (IAPSS) 2017 Outstanding Educator of the Year!

This is the second time Dr. Thacker has received this prestigious honor from his IAPSS peers; the first time was in 2013. He was also named Indiana Superintendent of the Year in 2012 and received the Sagamore of the Wabash in 2014—Indiana’s highest award—from then Governor Mike Pence. He has also been recognized as Alumnus of the Year from both IUSB and Bethel College.

Dr. Thacker began his career in education in Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation as a 6th grade teacher at Madison Elementary School. Having filled a variety of leadership roles at districts across Indiana and Michigan, in July 2006 he returned to the P-H-M schools to serve as superintendent. Under Dr. Thacker’s leadership, the Indiana Department of Education has consistently named P-H-M an “A” Rated School District. The School Corporation now ranks in the state’s top 4% of public school districts with nine Four Star Schools.

Principal Kisses Pig

Madison Student Hoe Down Allison Laidig and her team of parent volunteers worked hard to make this year’s Scholastic Book Fair a sweet success, earning students an afternoon Country Hoe Down and a chance to learn how to line dance. Enthusiasm was high as the Book Fair was open during PTS conference time and during lunch with your partner. Students voted for Mr. McMillen to experience one of the following; bring a pony to recess, ride a stick horse through the school, sing Home on the Range on the PA, or kiss a pig. Students cast their votes and results were tallied. Mr. Millen was given every principal’s dream of a lifetime, the opportunity to kiss a pig! To the delight of the students he even kissed the pig more than once and parents’ left saying their principal was never as cool as Mr. Mc Millen. This activity was just another occasion to promote reading and for students to know books are important, lead to fun, and like our principal, very cool.

Stone Soup a “Rock” Opera

Madison first through third grade students recently performed Stone Soup a “Rock” Opera for about ninety grandparents at an afternoon performance followed by a special time of punch and cookies. The students also did an evening performance for parents and other special guests. "Stone Soup, first published in 1947, is a classic picture book that remains one of Marcia Brown's most popular and enduring tale. The story, about three hungry soldiers who outwit the greedy inhabitants of a village into providing them with a feast, is based on an old French tale." Miss Kuzdzal’s work with students simply reinforced the value of this timeless tale as students worked together to prepare and perform this musical play.

Lunch with your Partner

Students ate lunch with their partner during our western themed book fair. Over one hundred guests consisting of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends, ate from our Chuck Wagon featuring BBQ Drumsticks, Cowboy Pie, Roll w/Apple Butter, Fiesta Corn, and Baked Apples with Granola. Tammy Yoder and Pati White, our food service Wagon Masters kept the food coming, hot and delicious. All students were invited to eat in the gym with our guests and enjoyed this special time. 

Madison Book Fair is a Success

Madison students and families enjoyed perusing the Scholastic Book Fair recently held at Madison School.  Allison Laidig organized the event with the help of some terrific parent volunteers. Teachers made wish lists, students noted what they wanted, and books flew off the shelves as parents, grandparents or special friends made their purchases. While our sales were $500.00 over our goal the real success is measured in the support these families bring to our READ LIKE A CHAMPION campaign and in the smiles we saw as students shopped with their special guests. 

Visit with a Vet

Visit with a Vet                 

A visit with a vet at Madison had nothing to do with a veteran although we honor and respect every person that has served in the military. This time our vet was, Dr. Matt Randolph. Dr. Randolph brought his daughter Bethany and their pony Hayley to school as part of our positive behavior plan. Dr. Randolph operates Equine Veterinary Hospital of Northern Indiana. But it’s also family affair concerning horses since his daughters ride in competitions and his wife, also a vet works in Granger at a small animal clinic. Students were able to ask questions, hear about Dr. Randolph’s work, and learn about horse health and about riding in competitions. After the presentation students were able to pet Hayley – she is a pony that knows how to behave!

Madison Gives to Riley Children’s Hospital

During the Riley Bike-a-thon the weather cooperated as students, families, and friends rode a total of 392 miles on a windy Saturday morning in October. Nick Madlem rode 34 miles as the top boy rider while Brooklyn James rode 23 miles as the top girl rider each earning $5.00 for their effort. Brooklyn earned the title of Top Collections – Girl from 24 sponsors and Keegan Fall as Top Collections – Boy from 19 sponsors. Each student collected over $1,000.00 and $10.00 prize money. Madison Students collected pledges from family and friends for Riley Children’s Hospital totaling $5,878.00.

Winter Guard Auditions November 20 & November 22

Do you like to dance? Do you want to learn how to spin a flag? Do you like to perform?

All levels are welcome to come to the Penn Cadet Winter Guard Auditions at Walt Disney Elementary School (enter in back). There will be two audition dates of Monday, Nov.20 and Wednesday, November 22. Audition times for both dates are 6-8 p.m.

Girls and boys, grades 4-6, will be accepted. 

Rehearsals will be every Monday and Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. Competitions will begin Saturday, January 27.

Come be a part of this incredible performing arts group!

Click here to download and print the flyer.

Fire Safety

Monthly fire drills are a part of the routine at schools; we want to help students and staff to know how to exit a building safely in the event of a fire. But who tells students what to do at home if a fire breaks out? A team of volunteers from the Madison Township Fire Department recently brought fire prevention lessons to students at Madison.

It was a full day of learning for students as each grade spent time listening to the fireman and participating in activities and games enabling them to know the proper way to act or react in a fire. Activities included, learning about fire extinguishers, how to Stop, Drop, and Roll, playground safety, first aid, why do fireman use backboards, how to crawl out of a burning building, what a fireman looks like in full gear, and how to practice home fire drills. Students were given the assignment of meet with parent and create a home escape plan. Students submitting their evacuation plan were eligible for a MTFD “bag of goodies”.  All students received a MTFD drawstring bag and a water bottle.

Our students wish to thank the following members of the Madison Township Fire Department for a great day of learning fire safety: Pati Youngman, Christine Wesner, Cody Simmons, Scott Maurer, Meg Bronke, Robert Alwine, Rose Adams, Christopher Dresbach and Jason Fischer.