

2024 First Day Photo Gallery

We are so excited to have everyone back at school, please view the photo gallery below to see some "First Day of School Smiles!" ...
PHM now using ParentSquare

PHM Introduces ParentSquare, new parent communication tool

With the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, P-H-M is switching to ParentSquare, a new unified, user-friendly, communications platform designed with parents and guardians in mind. CLICK HERE TO GET ALL THE INFO YOU NEED TO GET STARTED. ParentSquare provides a centralized location for families to receive communications from school principals, teachers, coaches, and front office staff on all their students, in all schools, in ...
Shirt signing

Madison Elementary Celebrates the End of the School Year with Field Day Extravaganza

Madison Elementary School bid farewell to the 2023-24 school year with an unforgettable Field Day event, filled with excitement and joy for students and staff alike. The sunny day was packed with a variety of games, providing endless fun and a spirit of friendly competition. The cheerful atmosphere was amplified by the presence of games, shaved ice and an epic water "fight" that included balloons ...

P-H-M’s DVT & Planetarium Renamed Arthur M. Klinger Planetarium

Mr. Art Klinger, the man credited with being the “father” of P-H-M’s DVT & Planetarium, was honored today when the facility he helped create 44 years ago was officially renamed in his honor. The new P-H-M Arthur M. Klinger Planetarium sign now hangs on the exterior of Bittersweet Elementary School, where the facility is housed. It was unveiled to cheers and applause on the afternoon ...
team huddle

Running is Elementary 2024 is in the Books!

The "Running is Elementary" program wrapped up its 2024 season with the main race at Elm Road Elementary School yesterday. The event saw enthusiastic participation from 4th and 5th grade students, both boys and girls, who competed in a 1-mile course that tested their endurance and speed. The annual program, aimed at promoting fitness and healthy lifestyles among elementary school students, brought together participants from ...