2018 Running Is Elementary Results
Posted on May 1, 2018It was a gorgeous day for the 10th annual “Running is Elementary.” Most years, 4th and 5th grade students from all 11 P-H-M elementary schools are fighting the elements of wind, rain, sleet or snow … but not this year!
Almost 700 students participated in the 1 mile run on the Penn cross-country course located behind Elm Road School on Monday, April 30. Please click to see the photo gallery below.
The fun event encourages fitness and wellness. Fourth and fifth graders are encouraged to sign up for the free running club. Designated coaches at each school are then tasked with training the runners for the 6-week club which then culminates with the Running is Elementary Race. Cheered on by their families, principals, teachers and running coaches it’s amazing to see the dedication and hard work the students put in to complete the race. “Running Buddies” accompany those students who may need their extra assistance and/or encouragement.
Cindy Batalis (P-H-M’s 2009 Teacher of the Year and physical education teacher at Horizon Elementary) began the yearly tradition of Running Is Elementary back in 2008. Batalis’ own love for running and her desire to pass that love on to students is evident in the passion she puts into the Running is Elementary event each year. “This is a thrill! All the kids out here running today are out here making a positive step to healthy habits and we celebrate all of them. It's a true community event!"
The top times for the 2018 Running Is Elementary Race were as follows:
5th grade Boys
BIB# 99
Elm Road School
Time: 5:59
5th grade Girls Winner
BIB# 190
Time: 6:43
4th grade Boys
BIB# 429
Meadow's Edge
Time: 6:05
4th grade Girls
BIB# 171
Elsie Rogers
Time: 6:51
It was particularly heartwarming when the whole crowd got behind one special runner to cheer him on 4th grade Horizon student Mikan Gensic, son of Penn Biology Teacher John Gensic. Mikan took everything in stride and didn't even seem to be tired when he was done. He even had to be talked into getting his complimentary bottle of water and frozen Urban Swirl cup!
All runners are to be congratulated for their efforts and hard work!!
A big thank you to the P-H-M Education Foundation and Corporations for Education for sponsoring the event!
Sponsors for the 2018 event:
Presenting sponsor – Corporations for Education
Royal Excursion and Gaylor Electric
After Race Snack Donations:
Urban Swirl and B&B Organics
Be sure to sign up to run in the P-H-M Education Foundation’s Silver Mile Bubble Bash this Saturday, May 5. Click to register online today!
Please see the photo gallery below. To download a high resolution jpg file from the photo gallery, just simply click the “DOWNLOAD” button on the bottom right-hand corner of the photo while viewing it in the Photo Gallery function.
Last Modified May 16, 2019