Posted on February 15, 2017The Madison PTO LearningSphere with the emphasis on LEARNING opened to the community on February 6 from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Students in grades kindergarten through third had the option to create a project on a topic of interest to them. Students in fourth and fifth grades mentored by staff, parents, and our judges used scientific methods to select a topic of their choice and gather data. Students prepared and presented their project for classmates and were individually interviewed by our judges. As a result of the science interviews, judges collaborated on student presentations, scientific methods, and data collection. In conclusion four students were selected, based on NIRSEF guidelines, with a ribbon for their outstanding efforts. Those selected have the option to register for the NIRSEF: Northern Indiana Regional Science & Engineering held at Notre Dame on March 4, 2017. The PTO provides this opportunity each year as a way for students to grow in their research, presentation skills and understanding of the scientific method.
Last Modified May 16, 2019