Parent Teacher Student Conferences
Posted on October 12, 2015Conference time is communication time. It can be hard as a parent to know what to expect at a conference. First of all remember that you and your child’s teacher have the same goal—helping your child grow academically and socially. Your child’s teacher will share student progress and enlist your help. During this time you and the teacher will explore together areas they excel at and in what areas they need assistance. Together you may make an action plan to help your child. The chart below gives a checklist of things that may help you explore what is best for your child or may identify areas that could become part of the action plan. Be sure to end the conference by scheduling a way to follow up and measure progress. You can read more by viewing this PTSC page from our newsletter.
Conference forms home with students October 12.
Forms should be returned to teachers by October 14 to confirm appointment times.
Last Modified May 16, 2019